Open Shift

Open Shift - Employ a Graduate

Are you a local business in search of well-trained and highly committed employees?

Open Shift is aimed at forging pathways out of homelessness for young individuals. This program connects graduates from our successful Pathways For Change program with employment opportunities at local businesses, ensuring a smooth transition from training to long-term employment.

Recognising that pivotal life transitions pose the greatest risk of individuals falling back into the cycle of homelessness, our ‘Open Shift’ program was conceived to provide continued support to our trainees’ employment journey. By facilitating a direct link between employment at For Change Co. and ongoing opportunities with other local businesses, we strive to reduce the challenge that can sometimes accompany these transition points from our program to mainstream employment.

By joining Open Shift, you not only gain access to the pool of highly skilled Pathways For Change graduates but also make a positive social impact in your community.

What’s in it for me?

As a member of Open Shift, you can employ young individuals who have graduated from the Pathways For Change Program. This unique opportunity allows them to smoothly transition into consistent employment, supporting them in breaking the cycle of homelessness. For Change Co. collaborates with your business to ensure the trainee is briefed on your venue’s operations and supports their transition to a role within your organisation.

Recognition: Become one of For Change Co.’s esteemed employment partners, gaining promotion of your goodwill on our website and across our social media channels.

Open Shift Badge: Receive an exclusive Open Shift member badge for your website and a physical sticker for your shopfront.

Updates: Receive regular newsletter updates featuring potential new employees.

Access to Talent: Gain streamlined access to a pool of potential employees with strong technical and behavioral skills. These passionate individuals are ready to contribute wholeheartedly to your workplace.

Impact Lives: Make a tangible and lasting impact on a young person’s life by supporting them in leading the life they aspire to live.

What are the expectations?

Offering award rates for hospitality staff. 

Treating the graduate joining your workplace with the same respect and dignity as any other staff member.

Offering consistent shifts to the graduate in line with pre-defined availability.

Assigning a designated contact to ensure that communications with For Change Co. remain consistent.

Completing a short survey three months after employing the graduate. This survey is required For Change Co.’s evaluation of our Pathways for Change program.

Join Open Shift today and be a force for positive change.  Together, let’s tackle homelessness.

Open Shift Partners